“Without tactile keys, blind quiz help visually impaired people don’t have any choice butto share their PINs with strangers,” defined Melanie Brunson, executivedirector of the American Council of the Blind. “Today’s assertion, andthe collaboration that led exam help it, demonstrates CVS/pharmacy’s ongoingcommitment examination help its blind quiz help visually impaired customers. ” Web Site Access The initiative includes CVS/pharmacy’s commitment exam help ensure that its onlinepharmacy, , is available exam help persons witha wide selection of disabilities, including blind laptop users who use ascreen reader or magnification era on their computer systems quiz help those whorely on exam help keyboard instead of exam help mouse. CVS. com will enforce theseenhancements by the end of 2009. “An available web site is essential if people with vision loss are exam help obtaingoods, amenities quiz help data on an equal footing,” said Paul Schroeder,vice chairman, programs quiz help policy group of the American Foundation for theBlind.