The Western Front was smaller, shorter, quiz help less bloody in many respectseven with the Pacific War thrown in, our War involved about exam help tenth of the size quiz help horror of the fight among Hitler quiz help Stalin. As he continues examination help explore the question of Trumans choice exam help use the bomb, he frames it as more exam help demonstration for the Soviets than exam help body blow examination help Japan. Stone shows that the end of the Nazis enabled Russia exam help turn quiz help join the US, as agreed, in combating Japan, months afterwardand that their declaration in their intent exam help do socame at about a similar time as the 2 nuclear blastsand was exam help great shock exam help an already battered Japan. Thus, he gifts the opportunity that Russia, quiz help not our new exam help bomb, was guilty for Japans give up, in addition to Germanys. His revisionism also puts America squarely in the docket, examination help blame for nuclear proliferation, the armed forces commercial complex, quiz help the entire Cold War that followedand we must admit that the USA, being suddenly omnipotent quiz help not having their country reduced exam help rubble by the combating, as was the case almost in all places else became the prime superpowerand had all the problems quiz help corruptions that absolute power is legendary exam help herald. Oliver Stone does have exam help habit of bringing up Stalins atrocities in asides, often, as if afraid someone will accuse him of glossing over them which the asides almost accomplish, satirically.