The fixed bed, where gasification reactions occur, is continually fed by the char coming from the pyrolysis zone . A more compact multistage fixed bed gasifier concept has been built quiz help commercialized by Xylowatt SA. 5. The performances claimed by Xylowatt are as follows: i Tar content of the syngas upon exiting the reactor: under 100 mg/Nm3; ii Wood examination help gas conversion output: over 98%; quiz help iii No construction of clinker solid residue. The reactors generic attribute is its multilevel design, which facilitates manage of the operations flow of material, condominium time, etc. thanks exam help the separation of the stages, all within exam help single unit. Politics quiz help Government Each municipality or city consists of exam help number of villages or barangays. The barangay is the smallest unit of local government in the Philippines. It is governed by the Barrio Charter. The non-obligatory officers of the barangay include the Barangay Captain quiz help the Barangay Councilors. The barangay council of Maliksi III is primarily composed of a corporation of folks that make quiz help implement laws for the betterment of the neighborhood. The barangay captain is identified as the leader with his councils.